Termite and EHB Protected Australian Pine Framing
Termite and EHB Protected Australian Pine Framing
Timberlink Blue is treated to an H2F level and is structurally graded. It is suitable for indoor load bearing, above ground applications built south of the Tropic of Capricorn. For outdoor load bearing applications, or if building above the Tropic of Capricorn, use Timberlink Green.
The treatment used on Timberlink Blue is not corrosive and does not adversely affect nail and nail plate holding, joint strength, plaster board adhesion nor is it corrosive to metal fixings.
Resealing on cut ends, holes and notches is not required if used within termite-treated enclosed frame.
Each stick of Timberlink Blue has an ink-jet treatment mark and a blue dye is added to the treatment to help identify the timber as termite and EHB protected.
When storing Timberlink Blue prior to use keep it wrapped and strapped in its plastic packaging and off the ground. Exposure to weather during construction should be minimised.
Timberlink Blue timber is treated with either Imidacloprid or Permethrin as the active insecticide.
When handling and cutting any timbers it is advisable to wear dust masks, goggles and gloves. Do not burn treated timber. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available from timberlinkaustralia.com.au
Timberlink Blue products are not classified as hazardous by Safe Work Australia. We recommend, however, that you check with your local authority to determine the correct disposal methods. No treated timber products should be used in composting or animal bedding nor should they be burned.
Australian grown plantation pine that has been treated to provide protection from termite (including West Indian Drywood Termite) and European House Borer (EHB) attack.
If you are building in a termite or EHB risk zone Timberlink Blue is the simple, cost effective, and environmentally friendly solution for protecting the structure of your home.
The price difference between protected and unprotected plantation framing is small. Typically, the cost of treatment is less than two percent of the value of the average house and land package: a small price to pay for 25 years’ peace of mind.
Timberlink Blue comes with a 25-year guarantee against termite and European House Borer (EHB) attack. This limited guarantee is fully transferable between home-owners for the life of the guarantee period, making a Timberlink Blue frame a valuable asset for any future sale of your property.
Rest assured that while resistant to termites and European House Borers, Timberlink Blue is safe for you, your family, and pets. The protective treatments used with Timberlink Blue have been approved for use by the APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority).
All Timberlink Blue branded timber is produced under a system compliant with ASI 748.1:2011 so the structural properties of Timberlink Blue MGPIO all exceed the requirements for both MGPIO and F7 grades in ASI 720.1:2010. If a design compliant with ASI 720.1:2010 specifies the use of F 7 grade timber, Timberlink Blue MGPIO can be safely substituted.
Timberlink Blue has a high strength to weight ratio yet is easy to transport and move around a building site. On-site adjustments are easy to make helping to save time and money.
All Timberlink Blue branded timber is made in Australia from sustainably grown Australian plantation pine. Your purchase helps keep manufacturing jobs in Australia.
Pine used to produce Timberlink Blue framing is independently Chain of Custody certified to originate from sustainably managed, renewable Australian plantation pine, with over 90% from plantations certified to the Australian Forestry Standard, AS4708.
Structural pine is one of the most environmentally friendly building materials available. Every cubic metre of kiln dried pine removes 631kg of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Pine trees (like all trees) absorb carbon as they grow and continue to store the carbon once harvested. About half the dry weight of a tree is carbon- carbon that remains locked up in the wood when used for building and even if recycled or disposed of in landfill at the end of the building’s life.
Timberlink Australia recommends using a “whole of house” protection approach against termites which conforms to AS3660.1. Timberlink Blue timber is protected against termite and EHB attack, forming an integral part of the homeowner’s termite management systems.
Timberlink Blue does not in itself form a barrier to termites, nor does it protect other termite susceptible timbers or materials used in the house. This should be supplemented by regular competent building inspection and maintenance as detailed in AS3660.2. Failure to take appropriate care with inspection and maintenance against termite activity in your home may result in considerable damage and costs.
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