Designed to provide a total flooring concept, STRUCTAflor GP, STRUCTAflor H2 and R-flor are particularly suited to platform construction where the floor is laid prior to the erection of walls. They are made from precision milled wood flakes and bonded with moisture resistant synthetic resin. For additional protection during construction and exposure to weather, the upper surface is resin enriched and all edges of the tongue and grooved sheets are coated.

Factory grooved long edges are fi tted one side with a distinctive, colour-coded rigid Polypropylene (PP) tongue to ensure a neat, tight fi t for adjoining panels.

STRUCTAfl or GP, STRUCTAfl or H2 and R-fl or are available in YELLOWtongue, REDtongue and BLUEtongue tongue colours. The tongue and grooved sheets are supplied in easy-to-handle 600mm or 800mm widths. This comprehensive product range allows the selection of fl ooring to meet specifi c needs. The products provide total compatibility and cover large areas fast.

YELLOWtongue – 19mm

An interior all-purpose fl ooring for use primarily in residential buildings and designed for both platform and fi tted fl ooring construction methods. YELLOWtongue will support imposed loads for general areas in houses as required by AS/NZS 1170.1-2002. Permanent, imposed and other actions. At 19mm thick, the maximum joist centres for YELLOWtongue STRUCTAfl or GP, STRUCTAfl or H2, and R-fl or is 450mm for general residential applications.

REDtongue – 22mm

REDtongue is a thicker all-purpose fl ooring for larger joist spacings or higher load capacity. At 22mm thick the maximum joist centres for REDtongue STRUCTAfl or GP, STRUCTAfl or H2, and R-fl or is 600mm for general residential applications.

BLUEtongue – 25mm Heavy Duty

A 25mm thick particleboard fl ooring specifi cally for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. Subject to span and defl ection limits, STRUCTAfl or GP may be used over various fl oor joist spacings to support a wide range of concentrated and uniformly distributed loads.

Floor loads will depend on the nature of occupancy and fl oor use. Refer AS/NZS 1170.1. When used over fl oor joists at 450mm maximum centres, 25mm thick BLUEtongue will support live loads in excess of 10kPa uniformly distributed and 4.0kN concentrated.

STRUCTAfl or General Purpose

General Purpose particleboard sheet flooring, manufactured in Australia to comply with the requirements for Particleboard Flooring, Class 1, in AS/NZS 1860.1, Particleboard flooring

With its unique hard-wearing resin enriched surface, yellow edge coating on the PP tongued variants – it is the quality fl ooring for every Australian Home.

STRUCTAfl or GP is available in YELLOWtongue, REDtongue, BLUEtongue and Square Edge variants.

STRUCTAfl or H2 Treated

A termite protected sheet flooring that provides added protection against termite attack. It should be used in conjunction with the normal precautions against termite attack, which include adequate subfloor ventilation and the provision of physical or chemical barriers to AS 3660.1 Termite Management – New Building Work.

STRUCTAfl or GP, STRUCTAfl or H2 is also safe to use and environmentally friendly and is easily identified by its blue edge colour.

R-fl or Radiant Barrier Flooring

R-fl or radiant barrier flooring is a particleboard flooring with a foil laminated on the underside of the flooring board. It has a low emittance (high reflectance) metallized foil surface, which significantly reduces the radiative heat transfer across a suspended timber floor. The subfloor airspace delivers an improvement in the “Total R-Value” of the flooring system.

R-fl or incorporates a termicide for added protection against termites and is easily identified by its blue edge coat.

Product Details

Thickness: 19mm, 22mm and 25mm nominal.

Surface Qualities: Upper surface is unsanded to retain a resin film, retard moisture and provide a working surface during installation.

Edge Coating: Factory applied to all edges of tongue and grooved sheets to reduce moisture ingress.

  • Yellow coating for STRUCTAfl or GP YELLOWtongue, REDtongue and BLUEtongue Heavy Duty
  • Light blue coating for STRUCTAfl or H2 YELLOWtongue, REDtongue and BLUEtongue Heavy Duty
  • Blue coating for R-fl or YELLOWtongue, REDtongue and BLUEtongue Heavy Duty

Edge Profiles: Tongue and grooved long edges with square cut ends

Tongue System: Factory fitted, rigid PP tongues ensure a tight fit and precise alignment of unsupported edges.

Resin: Synthetic resins for high moisture resistance.

Identification: Stamps on the underside of boards indicates required joist spacings

The Facts That Matter

Resin Enriched Surface

  • Added weather protection during construction for up to 5 months
  • Hardwearing working surface during installation

Edge Coat

  • Minimizes moisture ingress
  • Easy product identification:
  • Yellow – STRUCTAfl or GP
  • Light blue – STRUCTAfl or H2
  • Blue – R-fl or

Wax Impregnated throughout

  • In-built moisture protection for cut sheets

Synthetic Resin System

Meets or Exceeds AS/NZS 1860.1

STRUCTAfl or GP & STRUCTAfl or H2 range:

  • YELLOWtongue – 19mm Domestic Flooring – 450mm joist spacing
  • REDtongue – 22mm Domestic Flooring – 600mm joist spacing
  • BLUEtongue – 25mm Heavy Duty Commercial Flooring

800mm wide sheet

  • 2.88m2 coverage (per sheet)

600mm wide sheet

  • YELLOWtongue sheet weighs < 30kg (approx)

Australian Plantation Pine

  • Grown from managed and renewable

Built on 40 years of trust



John Carroll

Mobile: 0414301515

Colin Carroll

Mobile: 0421273887

Office Numbers

Phone: 1300233707